Sunday, January 21, 2007

Moms WTF???

Hey fans. I just went downstairs to get some Chef Boyardee since the Bears are beating the hell out of the Hurricane Katrinas and it really isn't a game anymore. Take that storm victims of New Orleans! Hah!

So anyways, I go down stairs and my mom's taking up the whole living room having some prayer meeting with her church group. Like she's the only one that lives here. So I say, "What're you whores talking about?", and my mom's all like, "Seriously, please don't use that kind of language in the house!" So I shout, "It's called free speech bitch!" and ran back to my room. I totally got her. I mean jeeze, she acts like she doesn't know that we live in the U.S. of A. I'm gonna go now and rock out to some Toby Keith.


Nate said...

you rock!

seriously? said...

Screw you Gyuss. I haven't forgotten and I don't forgive. This blog is about free speech and you're banned from it!!!

Nate said...


Can't we all just get along?